Parent Info

Hard copy available to community upon request.

Copia de papel disponible para la comunidad si la solicita.

*****GT Identification & Assessment*****

"We are pleased to share the recording of our recent virtual meeting on Gifted and Talented (GT) identification and assessment. This session provides valuable information on the assessment procedures and services available for our gifted and talented students. Please check out the recording and the nomination flyer linked here to learn more!"

2024-2025 Supply List 

2024-2025 Parent Compact 

2024-2025 Parent Policy 

2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct ENG

2024-2025  Código de Conducta Estudiantil 

2024-2025 Student Handbook 


Parent Compact Spanish

Parent Involvement Policy Spanish

HB 3 Goals and Plans- Reading

HB 3 Goals and Plans- Math

Campus Improvement Plan

2023-2024 WISD Uniform Guidelines

Parent Orientation Sept. 7,2023




Parent Access to STAAR Student Portal:
Click on PDF to view Log In